Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Bottom Heavy Funk
The name of this dance class offered at Velocity Dance Studio might call to mind funk music with a proclivity towards low end bass or perhaps a group of apple-bottomed ladies grinding around to Parliament. I have wanted to go this class for years and I don't know why I haven't made it before now. Maybe because I feel like I need to dance some shit out right now worse than ever. I arrived with my posse (Tmac and Brianna) in pink shiny tights and the will to make it through the 1.5 hour class with my pride intact. At times the footwork made me feel as if I had two left feet but I was workin' it all the same. There was no air of pretention and mostly it seemed like everyone's aim was to cut loose and have a good time. Might I also deny allegations suggesting that I am cyber-stalking the instructor (even though it's true that I have developed a serious girl crush.)I just think her moves are ill'n. She kind of dances a little bit like my friend Joshua and also reminds me of the youtube video of that Irish girl that dances to Daft Punk. I think she is one of those people that just inspires others to move. I am giving one big genuflection to Amy O'Neal. She is rad. I know what I'm gonna be doin' on Tuesday nights.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Esthetician training in review:
Total hours of training: 700
Amount of hours I had to make up for missing class: 82.5
Score on my final: 99%
WA State written exam: passed
WA State practical: passed. 94%
Finishing "beauty school": Priceless
Congrats to all my ladies that wrapped this motha' up. The last month was sheer torture.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Viva Las Vegas

Ah, Sin City. Last time I visited this desert destination was for a bachelorette party in 2004. I don't even remember that trip for the most part. I remember being really annoyed by the noisy slot machines and the idea of never really knowing what time it was. Generally speaking, I am not big on gambling. Yeah, I like a good game of five card draw or a heated game of hearts, but when it comes to betting money I usually shy away. So on this trip to Vegas to celebrate Tara's birthday, I was bound and determined to have a more, well, memorable experience. We rolled in late on Friday night and Naomi was waiting for us anxiously in our hotel room. By the time we actually got to the room we were pooped and called it a night. And three ladies pow wowing in our jammie jams sounded just about perfect. Saturday morning, we headed out on the strip to do some fantasy shopping at the Bellagio. Tara was wearing her "Where's Waldo" dress and she was cracking my shit up. We went on the Manhattan Express roller coaster twice and that little whipper snapper got me all revved up. We passed up the Prive party hosted by Rock of Love II's Kristy Jo and instead hit the gambling floor where even I stepped out and put a little money down. None of us could afford to go see Zumanity and so our mission was to go out and win enough money to cover the cost of our tickets. I won $70 bucks on a slot machine and even played a little poker. Naomes hit Texas Hold "em while Tara wandered around looking for Lobster Mania slot machines and got approached by a 70+ year old man who told her that she was beautiful and not to settle. After we had secured funding for the sexiest cirque show, we went to bed. Or tried to. Sunday was filled with Mandalay Bay's Shark Reef Aquarium and aimless wandering. I gotta say, Mandalay Bay is the big daddy of the casinos. There was a whole "race & sports" section of the casino floor that looked like the floor of the stock market or a control room for NASA. That shit was serious. No foolin' around there. They had like 10 different sports events projected on huge 12-ft. screens that were surrounded by stats, scores, etc. I have never seen anything like it. After we saw ze sharks, we picked up some road sodas and headed back to the hotel. We spent several hours getting all hyped up and hooched out. It was splendid. We then hurriedly had to cruise down to the show. We were up in the balcony but our seats were amazing. The show was extremely arousing and technically impressive. Just a few highlights: an aerial hooper, a contortionist who swims around in a fish bowl, a couple getting it on in a bathtub, an insane acro-balancer, lots of beautiful people and lots of real tits. I mean, there was nary an implant in that cast. We finally collapsed in our beds at about 3AM and prepared for our 5:45AM wake up call. I am oh so tired today. But my trip was just what the doctor ordered. Quality time with really good friends.
Friday, March 14, 2008
All I wanna do is disco dance with you
Teki Latex - "Disco Dance With You" video
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Damn Frenchies. They make me wanna shake my ass.
Ajouter à mon profil. | Plus de vidéos
Damn Frenchies. They make me wanna shake my ass.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Double Trouble. Triple Threat.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
My B-Girl Doppelganger

Once in a while, someone tells you you look freakishly like somebody they know and if you are like me you say "oh yeah?" but then don't believe it. Alberto bought a b-girl book for Estrella and brought it in to work and we were flipping through and he found this pic that looks SO much like me it's almost unfathomable. No naysayer here. My b-girl body double has been found. I'll pop and lock to that!
Friday, March 7, 2008
Ode to Joshua Powell

I love Joshua Powell. I adore his loud music, his habit of wearing ties, his affinity for bike-riding and naked swimming. He is my favorite chef. I can talk to him about love and life unabashedly. I miss being neighbors with him. He inspires good nature in people. Please take good care Joshua. Ain't nothing gonna breaka' your stride. Ain't nothing gonna slow you down...oh no, you got to keep on movin'.
Saturday, March 1, 2008
My bionic leg
I went to the doc this week to finally get my ankle checked out that I hurt last summer doing Nia. My hope was that they would tell me that all I needed was PT and would send me packing with a list of exercises that would make it all better.
One x-ray, one MRI and one robo boot later, I am hobbling around on this thing for a while. The funniest part about it was that they put me in the boot the morning of my big practical final for school. So, I adhered to the rigid dress code of the school...except for my big, grey clunky boot that I awkwardly shimmied around on.
My final went really well. My client was actually my instructor's mom, so I was kind of sweatin' it. But when Annemarie came around to scrutinize my skin diagnosis she looked at it, asked me a couple brief questions, wrote "good" on my review sheet and told me that she loved that I was smiling. THAT WAS IT!
I graduate on March 13th, go to Vegas on the 14th and take my state boards on the 18th. Then, I am done with school. No more trips to Renton. I am going to miss you Southcenter Mall! And Ikea!
Last night I went to see a multimedia dance performance called Miscellanea by Manifold Motion. I was most thrilled by the live Harpist, the live video feed by Leo Mayberry and the unintentional fall off the trapeze by one of the dancers that concluded the show. (At press time, the dancer was alright and had no injuries to report).
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