I went to the doc this week to finally get my ankle checked out that I hurt last summer doing Nia. My hope was that they would tell me that all I needed was PT and would send me packing with a list of exercises that would make it all better.
One x-ray, one MRI and one robo boot later, I am hobbling around on this thing for a while. The funniest part about it was that they put me in the boot the morning of my big practical final for school. So, I adhered to the rigid dress code of the school...except for my big, grey clunky boot that I awkwardly shimmied around on.
My final went really well. My client was actually my instructor's mom, so I was kind of sweatin' it. But when Annemarie came around to scrutinize my skin diagnosis she looked at it, asked me a couple brief questions, wrote "good" on my review sheet and told me that she loved that I was smiling. THAT WAS IT!
I graduate on March 13th, go to Vegas on the 14th and take my state boards on the 18th. Then, I am done with school. No more trips to Renton. I am going to miss you Southcenter Mall! And Ikea!
Last night I went to see a multimedia dance performance called Miscellanea by Manifold Motion. I was most thrilled by the live Harpist, the live video feed by Leo Mayberry and the unintentional fall off the trapeze by one of the dancers that concluded the show. (At press time, the dancer was alright and had no injuries to report).
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