Sunday, February 24, 2008

I am the winner!

Last year at Burning Man, I felt so disheartened when my bike that I had won at Uwajimaya was stolen. But i took comfort in knowing that karma would pay me back in some way. I can count the amount of times I have won a contest anytime in my life on one hand. I MEAN, BEFORE THE Uwajimaya bike, the last thing I can remember winning was a coloring contest for a bagel company in the 1st grade. Back then, I got a year full of free bagels.

Today I was getting my hair did and my stylist came up to greet me with a big basket with a gigantic bow on it. My first thought was befuddlement. Did she miss my birthday? Was she late to our appointment? All kinds of things crossed my mind. In actuality, I had won a contest that she had entered all of her clients in to win a swank dinner at the top of the Hilton, free services, products, yada yada. My literal response was "no shit?" Ah, the glory. I must bask in it. It sorta made my day.

While I was studying for my final, I ran across this cooky lady who was walking around with her bird on a harness. When I saw her I thought, I need to carry my camera with me at all times so that I can capture all the wiggedy whack stuff I see on the daily. This is one of those things.

Ah, I also got a chance to visit Helle this weekend. Har. Har. It is a running joke with my friends. Are you going to Helle? How long will you be in Helle? Can I come visit you in Helle? The answer is yes, I am going to Helle and it is hot, hot, hot! They just built out the 2nd treatment room and an apothecary and I am about to wet my pants I am so excited to have this side gig. Stay tuned. I gots to pass all my finals and shit before I actually am official.

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