Friday, February 15, 2008

52 Nights Unplugged

My friend Ariel was catching me up to speed on her new project this morning and I haven't stopped thinking about it since. It involves taking one night a week off from all things that involve a screen. Can you use your oven? Yes. Can you power text while attending an avant garde dance performance? No. These are simple rules. So, I think for a while I might try it. Here's what Ariel has to say about the project:

Yesterday I attended this workshop that was all about finding a balance between technology and soul. For me, that means dealing with my tendency to overuse the internet for all things. Don’t get me wrong: I love the web. It’s given me more amazing things than I could count (quick tally: jobs, friends near and far, book deal, etc) but it’s also taken its toll.

I went into the workshop yesterday saying I’d like to be “More present in the present.” This isn’t just an internet addiction thing. It’s an ADD, monkey-brain, cultural thing too — but the internet sure doesn’t help.

The workshop was definitely more about discussion/exploration than take-away items, but we spent the last hour discussing ways to deal with the frustrations we have with the web, and then making decisions about sustainable ways we could make change.

So, here’s mine: one night a week, I am going to completely unplug from anything with a screen. This means no internet, no sidekick, no watching dvds. I plan to focus instead on the other things I like doing like writing letters, crafting, organizing, dancing, going for walks, cooking and making tea, writing in my paper journal. I might also try picking up some new things to like such as watercolors, scrapbooking, mail art, dance classes, attending lit readings, etc. Regardless, one night a week I’m going to unplug.

Me being me, though … I have to document it. I figure it’s a good way to keep myself on task. Plus, maybe some of my fellow geek/addicts would like to join in? I think I’m going to pick Wednesday night to take off, and then Thursday I’ll share what I did.

Who’s with me?

I am, Ariel! You are genius.
See Ariel talk about all of this and more on the TODAY show, February 20th!

1 comment:

lady3jane said...

this sounds like a very good idea. I think I'll have to try it too.