Monday, April 28, 2008

We Are All In This Together (thanks Ben Lee)

My plans to go to the Greek New Year celebration came to a screeching halt when my friend Kristi called me and asked me when we should meet at my house to go to the show. I wracked my brain and was drawing a blank. What show? Aha! The Ben Folds show that I committed to going to weeks prior and that had completely slipped off my radar.

We hightailed it down towards the Tacoma aroma, as the show was being held at University of Puget Sound. On our drive, we speculated what the crowd would be like. I postulated that it would be about 30% college kids who had never heard of Ben Folds and 70% burnout 30-something fans (I am including myself in this category). It was quite the inverse actually. We were ushered into the Field House and gazed upon the throngs of freshman happily jumping around to the bubble gum tunes of Ben Lee.

If I were a field-worker reporting on the social patterns of post-adolescent college students these would be my findings:

Yes, that right folks. People in college are still listening to Snoop Dogg at parties. They still are wearing birkenstocks. They still are assuming the vertical spooning position at shows whereby the male stands behind the female and wraps his arms around her waist protectively, coyly resting his chin on the top of her head. They still are sneaking illegal substances in backpacks. And they still are listening to and loving Ben Folds. Seems like not a day had gone by since the radio release of "Brick".

This experience came complete with an akward ex-boyfriend siting a la Kristi and one surprise musical guest, Moby. Wait. Moby, at UPS? What is wrong with this picture?

Apart from the supreme giddiness of the music, I was lifted by the teen spirit and at once felt like I had traveled back through time to my "glory days".

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